We are your competent contact for all aspects of real estate valuation.
Our team of highly qualified experts and specialists bundles all the skills relevant to you from the areas of real estate management, property management, business administration and finance.
Further information
Managing Director
publicly appointed expert
HypZert F
Phone: 02823-9278502
Email: kv@dr-voelling.de
Further information
Managing Director
HypZert F
Phone: 02823-9278501
Email: fischer-sent@dr-voelling.de
Further information
Phone: 02823-9278503
Email: koesters@dr-voelling.de
Further information
Junior Expert
Phone: 02823-9278504
Email: reinders@dr-voelling.de
Further information
real estate clerk
Phone: 02823-9278506
Email: maas@dr-voelling.de
Further information
real estate clerk
Phone: 02823-9278505
Email: elschner@dr-voelling.de
Further information
Further information
Phone: 02823-9278507
Email: van-bebber@dr-voelling.de
Michael Fischer-Sent
opening hours
Mon-Thurs 08:00 to 17:00
Fri. 08:00 a.m. to 02:30 p.m
Sat - Sun closed